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 Stabbed to Death And Robbed by Gang of Evil Thugs

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Tổng số bài gửi : 6255
Group: : Adminstrator
Registration date : 21/11/2006

Stabbed to Death And Robbed by Gang of Evil Thugs Empty
Bài gửiTiêu đề: Stabbed to Death And Robbed by Gang of Evil Thugs   Stabbed to Death And Robbed by Gang of Evil Thugs EmptySun Jun 14, 2009 8:46 am

Stabbed to Death And Robbed by Gang of Evil Thugs

Stabbed to Death And Robbed by Gang of Evil Thugs 6ca0673a4754800d30c86956a8c3a187

Apparently this happened in Egypt which is just shocking to me. I mean every other Arab country is perfectly peaceful, why do these Egyptians have to ruin it for everyone?
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Stabbed to Death And Robbed by Gang of Evil Thugs
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